According to the Criminal Code of Canada, “a female person commits infanticide when by a wilful act or omission she causes the death of her newly-born child.” Using local resources, student Kevin den Dunnen explores local cases of infanticide in the late 19th and 20th...
If you are a teacher or student looking for local stories from Huron County for your Remembrance Day lessons or assignments, you can access the Huron County Museum’s collection from home and your classroom through our virtual offerings! These resources speak...
The County of Huron invites applications for an open position on the Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol’s Collections Committee. The position is for a volunteer community member from Huron County. Terms are for one year, two years, or three years with the...
Huron County Museum staff may not be working at the physical location of the Museum but we are still working for the Museum and thinking about our collections, exhibitions and programmes. Much of what we do relies on the words and collecting habits of others past...
Huron County Museum: Virtual Permanent Galleries The Huron County Museum’s virtual exhibits grant a close-up glimpse of select artifacts on permanent display in our galleries, as well as information that you can’t guess with just a look. The featured objects represent...