In honour of Welcoming Week, the Huron County Museum and the Huron County Local Immigration Partnership are presenting the film Ru, followed by a panel discussion reflecting on the local response to the 1980s refugee crisis, which saw many families arrive from...
In this two-part series, Curator of Engagement & Dialogue Sinead Cox illuminates how the Second World War impacted Huron County in unexpected ways at home, and even entered the walls of the Huron Historic Gaol. Click for Part Two, and the strange tale of how Dutch...
Patti Lamb, museum registrar, outlines Huron County’s connection to the Disney legacy. While most of us know the impact that Walt Disney has had on the entertainment world; whether that be through the amusement parks that bear his name or the children’s movies...
Sinead Cox, the museum’s Curator of Engagement & Dialogue, introduces the museum’s latest temporary exhibit, Community Curators: Newcomers (on display now). From storage and display methods, to how and when we handle objects, museum staff endeavour to protect the...
Not every new neighbor throughout Huron County’s history has been welcomed universally by the community; some have faced prejudice and discrimination. Education and Programming Assistant Sinead Cox, who led research for the current Stories of Immigration and Migration...